Youth in crisis are facing imbalanced challenges from a host of factors including social media, bullying, school stress, climate change concerns and the natural ups and downs of life. These can lead to feelings of despair or hopelessness and even suicidal thoughts.
Fortunately, strategies that improve proactive care and crisis response can help.
What is a Crisis?
A crisis is an extreme situation that requires immediate help and attention. Teenagers may experience a mental health crisis if they have symptoms like severe agitation and aggression, or if they are at risk of harming themselves or others. They might also experience a crisis when they have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide.
Many counties and cities have mental health programs that provide emergency services, including crisis services. These programs, often called ACCESS programs, provide 24 hour phone lines to arrange for prompt mental health appointments and link people to services.
It is possible to prevent a crisis or at least get ahead of one by knowing what signs and warnings to watch out for. A teen might be in a crisis when they are exhibiting dangerous behaviors, such as self-harm or sexual promiscuity. They might also be in a crisis when they are displaying intense feelings of anxiety or fear, or when they have become addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Identifying a Crisis
When a teenager is in crisis, they may be exhibiting dangerous behaviors such as self-harm, or having destructive thoughts like suicidal thoughts. These symptoms can be a sign of a serious mental health issue and should not be ignored.
Various factors can lead to a youth’s crisis. These include life events, such as the death of a loved one, school or work stress, and social stigma or isolation. Additionally, issues such as poor physical health, lack of healthy coping skills and a lack of sleep can also contribute to a teen’s mental health crisis.
Many community locations have crisis programs and centers, or mental health urgent care services. These can range from a staffed section of a mental health clinic to fully blown crisis centers with 23-hour stabilization services and treatment options. These services can be a vital resource in a time of emergency for teens that need immediate help. However, they are not a complete solution to the larger mental health crisis facing young people today.
Getting Help
Fortunately, there are many sources of help for teens in crisis. Pediatricians, for example, are uniquely positioned to offer support as they build long-term relationships with families through regular well-child visits and annual checkups. They are also in a position to help destigmatize mental health care and connect young people with needed services.
Another important resource is the Kids in Crisis Hotline, which provides support and information to children and teens who are in distress and their parents. The line is staffed by professionals who have undergone rigorous training to provide the best possible assistance to children in need.
Other important resources include suicide prevention programs that work to prevent youth suicide by teaching skills and promoting healthy coping behaviors. In addition, assessment centers can help evaluate a teenager’s mental health needs and provide treatment recommendations. This type of help is available 24/7, in English and Spanish. The world’s problems can feel overwhelming for teens.
Recovering from a Crisis
In the aftermath of a crisis event, young people may feel exhausted and overwhelmed. School administrators and crisis teams must support their communities by reintroducing them to their normal routines and promoting recovery.
Help them find ways to deal with the stress and trauma of a large-scale crisis event, such as through community involvement, mindfulness practices, physical activity and creative outlets. Encourage them to express their feelings and thoughts, but don’t dismiss them or make them feel like they should “just get over it.”
Monitor screen time and discourage nonstop, uninterrupted exposure to footage of a crisis in progress. It’s also a good idea to keep discussions around the crisis age appropriate and separate issues of mental health from those of violence. Lastly, it’s essential to continue fostering community participation and creating ongoing meaningful opportunities for youth and families to inform grantmaking strategies and decision-making. This can be done through listening sessions, surveys and other ways to sustain systems that are centered on youth agency and voice.